What caused the Cracks in Your Driveway?
As you walk out to your car one morning to leave for work, you almost fall from tripping over an uneven spot on your driveway. When you look down, you see a large crack and determine that this was the culprit. Upon further inspection, you’re shocked to see that this isn’t the only bad spot and that there are several other cracks that look just as bad. Unfortunately, you’re not alone as there are literally thousands of homeowners who suffer with this same problem.
That’s not the worst part. If those cracks are left unrepaired, they could become potholes that cause damage to your vehicle. When this happens, it’s time to call Right Track Painting and Sealcoating. We are the driveway crack repair specialists of the greater Boston and MetroWest areas of eastern Massachusetts. As your painting and sealcoating specialists, we not only have the experience and skills to repair those bad spots on your driveway, we know what causes those cracks including:
- Age of the asphalt – the older asphalt gets, the more susceptible it is to damage and developing cracks. Over time, asphalt begins to degrade and loses the ability to counteract surface pressure that occurs on a daily basis. Consequently, when it rains and snows or when that freeze / thaw cycle occurs, older asphalt surfaces are more prone to cracks and damage.
- Freeze / thaw weather cycles – wintertime takes its toll on asphalt driveways. The temperature changes combined with the harsh New England winter weather creates a perfect breeding ground for driveway cracks. As rain and snow soaks into the asphalt, the temperature extremes cause expansion and contraction. This generates cracks in driveway and parking lot surfaces.
- Just as winter can cause a high volume of cracks in asphalt surfaces, the summer heat and sun can be just as punishing on these types of surfaces as well. Extreme heat causes expansion. During the peak times of the summer months, the days are longer and hotter. Sometimes the temperatures can climb to dangerous levels. This causes asphalt surfaces to develop cracks as well.
- Ground shifting – as the earth beneath your driveway shifts, this can also cause cracks to develop. The cracking is caused by the layer of gravel beneath the asphalt shifting as well, especially during heavy storms when water seeps underneath and causes such movement.
Although there are many reasons for the asphalt to crack, we are here to help you maintain the driveway properly. And we know that it’s important to monitor your driveway on a regular basis. Be sure to call Right Track Painting and Sealcoating at (617) 480-9831 at the first signs of trouble. Call us and schedule an appointment today.
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