Epoxy Flooring
Choosing between Epoxy and Paint for Your Garage Floor
Finishing the concrete floor of your garage can be a challenging task without the help of professionals such as Right Track Painting & Sealcoating. Most garages take a lot of abuse over time and that means the finish on them must do so as well. Here is some important information about choosing epoxy or paint for concrete garage floors.
Before You start
Before making any decision about the type of finish to apply, think about how the space is going to be used. Some individuals will only use the space for parking their vehicles while others may convert it to additional living space or use it for woodworking projects. The durability of the paint you use depends on how you plan on using your garage. The first essential step is prepping the floor.
The garage will need to be empty and you’ll need to remove all debris and dirt. Chemical stains, oil spots, and any other stains should be treated before getting started as epoxy or paint may not stick to these types of blemishes. Since epoxies and paints come in a wide range of colors, you’ll need to give some thought to this as well. Be sure to research your options.
Epoxy Paints
For a tough, durable finish, Right Track Painting & Sealcoating recommends a 2-part epoxy formula. Floor prep is especially critical if you’re going to use epoxy on your garage floor since debris, dirt, and grease will prevent good adhesion and having a finish that lasts. An epoxy finish should last between 3 and 5 years depending on the amount of wear and tear your garage floor gets during that time.
Floor Paints
Concrete floor paint is similar to interior wall paint with one exception – it’s a little more durable. You can roll it on just like you do wall paint. Furthermore, it’s easy to repaint the surface or touch up areas that get damaged. You have two choices of paint – latex or oil-based. Latex is water-based and dries to a flat finish for easier clean-up. Oil-based paints require clean-up solvents and a special primer but dry glossy and are more durable. Whether you use epoxy or floor paint, you’ll need to touch up the floor every couple of years.
The last consideration is pricing. Epoxy costs about twice as much as latex and oil-based paints and both will require the application of two coats. However, when you look at the benefits and the final look of the floor, you’ll need to decide what works for you. For more information about epoxy or paint for garage floors, contact Right Track Painting & Sealcoating at (617) 480-9831 today. Call now!
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