Snow Removal
5 Reasons to consider hiring a Snow Removal Service
If you’re a MetroWest homeowner, you’re well aware of the amount of snow that falls every winter. Although the average snowfall in the area is 4’ per year, some years have been milder while others have been an intolerable nightmare. Unfortunately, many homeowners in the area try to handle plowing and shoveling snow by themselves. As a result, many end up injuring themselves, or damaging their property.
No matter where you live in the greater Boston or MetroWest area, there is always a need for the services that Right Track Painting & Sealcoating provides. So, before you continue to try balancing yourselves on icy pavement and using a snow blower or shovel that is too cumbersome to handle, here are 5 reasons to consider hiring our company to take care of your snow removal needs on a regular basis:
Avoid having to maintain snow removal equipment – while there isn’t much involved in maintaining a snow shovel, the upkeep on a snow blower is a completely different story. With a snow blower, you have to maintain its augers and chutes, blades, and the skid plates underneath it.
Damage to your property – operating a snow blower can be a daunting task. A device that is powerful enough to handle digging through deep, thick snow can be difficult to control. Heavy chunks of ice and snow as well as gravel and rocks can get thrown at the siding and windows of your home as well as the body and windows of your vehicles.
Ensures the job will be done properly – though you may not think there is a proper snow removal method, doing the job improperly can leave potentially dangerous or hazardous conditions behind.
Saves a considerable amount of time – imagine having to get up well before dawn and go out into the freezing cold to perform back-breaking labor before going to work every day. Hiring Right Track Painting & Sealcoating will eliminate the need for this. We will work unobtrusively and completely remove the snow everyday as long as you need us to do it.
The risk of injury – regardless of your age and physical condition, shoveling snow puts a tremendous strain on the human body. When you hire professionals, you eliminate:
- aggravating any respiratory issues, you may have such as asthma and other issues
- hurting your back by bending over and lifting heavy shovels full of snow
- slipping on ice and injuring yourself when falling
We have helped businesses and residents with snow removal every winters. With cost effective prices and trusted services, you can be sure to get the best services with our company. For more information about our snow removal services, call Right Track Painting & Sealcoating today at (617) 480-9831.
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